Garden Edition

Red grapes Springtime is here and that means it's time to plant your gardens! (If you haven't already). Here's some tips on gardening in the Laredo heat and an update on a few plants from our newly planted garden. All plants were purchased at HEB and planted within one week [with the exception of the grapevine which has already been established for some time]. Starting from Seed When starting from seed, a good time to start planting those indoors is at the beginning of January. After the seeds have sprouted and you have young plants, it's smart to take them outside for small amounts of time to get them used to the weather (approximately 5 hours a day). Late February is ideal for planting outdoors to get a head start on spring. Halfway through our spring season the heat gets harsh on plants so it's best to get them established earlier rather than later. Herbs Sweet Basil If planting herbs in spring, it's good to keep them in a shaded a...